Relax to Prepare
Whether you are the mom or the dad, rest and relaxation are key leading up to the time of delivery, because once your baby comes, time to do exactly that will be of the essence. Take advantage of the months of pregnancy. For mom, these movements with relaxing songs and sounds may help in addition to daily walks to get your body ready. As you lie down at night, do your very best to stay on your side because this may help prevent the common lower back pains.
Body Preparation
One more awareness to keep in mind is how your thumb and wrists are used when you lift items and work with your hands. This awareness will help to develop consciousness as you hold your baby. By keeping your thumbs close to the rest of your fingers helps to minimize pressure on each of your thumbs. By keeping your hand in line with the rest of your arm will also help protect your wrists as you lift baby throughout the day. Conscious awareness of your thumb and wrist will help prevent potential injuries that may develop with constant holding of a growing baby.
Workouts for 1st Trimester+
Workouts for 2nd Trimester
Prenatal Yoga for Third Trimester
Everything I share is not by affiliation but rather what I was suggested and found helpful. I hope these will help you too! I played my own audio as I followed along to the workouts without volume.
This information is provided to share tips for educational purposes only. Though I am certified to understanding the basics of early development neurology, I am not a licensed professional and the information does not consist of any professional advice but rather takeaways from professional training & personal research. When considering medical needs, please consult with your OBGYN or a licensed professional. This information is not to provide medical, health, or psychological advice for you or your child. I do not warrant that the information provided here is free of errors & omissions. Please consult with a licensed professional with any physical, mental, or emotional concerns relating to you or your child. Before making health care decisions for you or your child, please consult with your OBGYN or baby’s pediatrician. legal disclosure here.